At Home in the Montessori Children’s House  

Three Teacher-to-Teacher Guidebooks of Practical Inspiration

Taken together, these guidebooks provide comprehensive, practical insights into all aspects of the Montessori Children’s House.

volume 1: Establishing a Child-Centered Community

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1st Edition Published 2012 – Titled "Directing the Montessori Children’s House" – Spiral bound, 115 pages

2nd Edition Published 2019 – Spiral bound, 115 pages with a new title and updated, additional content

Not all primary guides are sufficiently supported in their early years of teaching. What becomes of a directress who begins her career in a less than ideal, or even a poor, Montessori situation? While some talented guides manage to work through difficult situations and produce wonderful, normalized classrooms, many others become bewildered, frustrated and disenchanted. If a newly-trained teacher has not had the opportunity to observe or work with an experienced directress and a group of normalized students for a sufficient length of time, she may decide that a successful Montessori classroom is simply a myth. It was this realization that motivated me to write this book.


“This book is pure gold for new teachers and a wonderful refresher for experienced teachers. Written by Mary Flewelling-Pinchen, a long time Montessorian, it covers all aspects of starting a Montessori class, including setting up the environment, orientation, normalization, classroom management, discipline and more. This book reminds us that every September is a new beginning, a chance to create beauty and order in the lives of our children. The tone is positive and optimistic.”

- Montessori Services

“Your first volume is fantastic! Last fall, I became the lead teacher in the classroom. I felt your support and gentle guidance behind me every step of the way!” 

- Janet Riddel

“I want to let you know that I am in love with your books.   A  fellow teacher  recommended volume one of “At Home in the Montessori Children’s House” to me and we now call it our bible. This is my 3rd year as a lead guide and your work and experience has been such a joy to my little baby Directress heart! I went ahead and ordered volume 2 from Montessori Services and am already recommending this book to all my Montessori friends. I am in love with your work. Thank you, thank you, thank you! 

- Emily Bragdon

Volume 2: Classroom Lessons, Routines and Celebrations

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Published 2019
Spiral bound – 150 pages

As you begin working with children in the Montessori Casa classroom, you will discover that the methodology of presenting lessons you learned while training is just the starting point. Likewise, your ability to incorporate successful classroom routines and celebrations in a seamless, Montessori manner is a skill that develops over time. It is the experience of observing, presenting lessons and nurturing the development of normalization day after day that helps you understand how children learn and how classroom routines and celebrations enhance their overall development. The ideas described in this volume will provide you with many things to think about as you undertake your journey of discovery in the casa classroom. 

Volume 3: Observation, Documentation anD Parent Education


Publication TBA

The child’s transformative Montessori journey is optimized when teachers and parents collaborate effectively. Volume 3 of “At Home in the Montessori Children’s House” examines how effective observation, documentation, dialogue and on-going parent education strengthens the bond between home and school and optimizes the Montessori experience for all involved.