
Workshops for TEACHERS


Strategies for September

In person or online

As each new school year approaches, many guides wonder exactly what they should be doing to establish a successful Montessori experience for their students. This workshop is designed to help teachers understand the specific “mechanics of operation” that lay the foundation for normalization. The guide’s actions during the critical early weeks of September and strategies that support the maintenance of normalization throughout the school year will be outlined. If you have ever wondered if your class is unfolding as it should, this workshop is for you.


Classroom Management and Discipline

In person or online

Our goal as Montessori educators is to help our students help themselves. This is no small feat when dealing with a large number of students, a 3-year cycle of learning and a child-directed learning environment. This workshop will examine the many remarkable factors that nurture self-discipline and create the delicate balance between structure and freedom. Participants will leave his workshop with a renewed appreciation for the manner in which we achieve the learning environment that sets us apart from all others. 


From Leap of Faith to Understanding

The Parent’s Transformative Journey

In person or online

As guides, we know that our students will be transformed by their Montessori experience. The same cannot be said about the parents of our students. Unless teachers and administrators commit to providing on-going parent education and support, questions and concerns may linger and prove hard to dispel. This workshop will provide a thorough examination of the many ways to engage parents effectively and validate their tremendous leap of faith. Common issues that sometimes arise between parents and teachers will be discussed, with an eye to recognizing the immense benefits that result when a strong link between home and school is established.


The Inspirational Foundation of Practical Life

In person or online

No other part of the Montessori curriculum contributes to the overall development of the child as much as the tasks of daily living.  Unfortunately, these activities are often viewed as less important by parents and even some Montessori guides.  This workshop will examine how the correct design and function of practical life exercises spontaneously strengthen and unite all the faculties of the young child’s intelligence and personality.   Participants will also  explore the many important qualities that elevate practical life from ordinary to inspirational.   


Elevating Our Practice to Enhance the Child’s Journey

In person or online

Understanding the value of fundamental Montessori’s principles is one thing; the execution of her pedagogy in a manner that supports optimal child development during the first plane is quite another. This workshop will challenge workshop participants to reflect on their own practice in light of what Dr. Montessori really said. Practical suggestions regarding the prepared environment, the methodology of lessons and the guide’s manner in response to the young child’s unique and fragile tendencies will be outlined. Specific strategies that relate to each area of the casa curriculum and support the young child’s quest for independence will also be reviewed. Participants will be encouraged to offer their own insights in a discussion of this important topic.


A Joyful Approach to Reading

In person or online

While we know that most children who work with the remarkable Montessori language materials will become competent readers and writers in a natural and enjoyable manner, there will always be some who struggle and require an alternate path. In this workshop, participants will learn about many useful, alternative and supplementary language materials that complement the Montessori language approach while also supporting children who require extra literacy support.


Strategies for Challenging Students

In person or online

In recent years, all educators have been dealing with rising numbers of children who have learning differences and/or behavioural challenges. These issues have not only interfered with the healthy development of many children but have also jeopardized the wellbeing of many classrooms as a whole.  Now, more than ever, Montessori guides need to acquire understanding and skills that will help them nurture ALL children and not just those who settle and learn easily.

This workshop is designed to provide educators with practical strategies that help challenging students. The correct approach to discipline, parent collaboration and helpful accommodations will be examined. Time will be provided for discussion, questions and answers.


Consultation Services for Teachers 

Personal, in-class or online consultation services are available. 



In the Here and Present Moment

Examining Challenging Behaviour from a Montessori Perspective

In person or online

This workshop is designed to support Montessori educators and parents who are struggling with a child’s early development and behaviour. Strategies that support the young child’s unique sensitivities during this critical, formative period and the importance of being truly “present” when interacting with a young child will be examined. A question and answer period will be offered at the end of this presentation.


What To Do When Things Go Wrong

The Process of Restitution

In person or online

When a conflict arises between individuals who are a part of a group, the process of restitution can restore harmony and balance in a manner that preserves the wellbeing of both the victim and the offender. As we explore the concept of restitution together, both within the family unit and the classroom, participants will begin to see that members of a group function most successfully when they are bound by a set of common beliefs rather than a set of rules.


Montessori 101

In person or online

Over the past half-century, Montessori education, has grown by leaps and bounds all around the world. Unfortunately, this growth also applies to schools that “imitate” the Montessori approach and fall into the category of “Monte-somethings”! A multitude of misconceptions about the true nature of Montessori education continues to proliferate, confusing parents and educators alike. This seminar will peel away the common misunderstandings about Montessori education and help parents and educators understand the fundamental principles of authentic Montessori. Participants will learn what to look for when visiting schools and how to recognize excellent Montessori when they see it.